Friday, December 3, 2010

Is Blood Sugar assaulting your Health?

The diabetes epidemic has snuck up on us and become the sixth-leading cause of U.S. deaths: Over 200,000 in 2002. And it’s only getting worse.
Are you between 40 and 74? Then there’s a 30% chance you’re already diabetic or pre-diabetic. If a 30% risk doesn’t disturb you, check your pulse. If you eat like an average American, chances are 8% that you already have full-blown diabetes-and about 40% that you’re pre-diabetic…and barreling full speed down the highway to sugar hell.
There's a naturally way to combat blood sugar!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The unknown Benefits of White Tea

White tea is from the same plant as green tea, but it's produced in a different way.
White Tea is relatively litlle known but it has much more benefits than green Tea, amongst them possible anti-obesity effects of white tea have been demonstrated in a series of experiments on human fat cells (adipocytes).

 Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism have shown that an extract of the herbal brew effectively inhibits the generation of new adipocytes and stimulates fat mobilization from mature fat cells. Continue here: White Tea Benefits
Read also here for more complete inform Health & Well-Being

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sex: Research, Mediterranean Diet Allied with Female Pleasure

Rome, 29 mag. (Adnkronos Health) - The secret of a long and happy sexual life?

For here, it could hide at the table. "Eating 'Mediterranean' helps women to feel more comfortable with their sexuality." Supports a recent study by the Center for Clinical Research Division of Metabolic Diseases Second University of Naples, presented today at the National Congress of Endocrinology in progress in Sorrento.

"Thanks to the perfect food balance - said Katia Esposito of the department of endocrinology and diseases of Geriatrics metabolism of the Second University of Naples - the Mediterranean diet ensures longevity, improved quality of life, positive thinking and a protection against various diseases. "

The Congress has shown that in Italy the sexual disorders are more frequent in women (between 11% and 29% of the adult female population) than in men, whose range goes from 9% to 21%.

"Sexuality - explained Esposito - is a universe in which rotate intricate vascular mechanisms, neurological, hormonal and psychological. The female sexual dysfunction (DSF) is the set of disorders muliebre sexual sphere, which can cause personal hardship and negative effects on quality of life.

The complexity of female sexual response and the limited experimental models available - he added -- have severely hampered progress in the understanding of pathogenetic mechanisms in this field.

Much remains to be done and clarify in the world of female sexuality, the most multifaceted and elusive than that of men, "concluded the expert.

Read here about the Mediterranean Diet

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mediterranean Diet for Improved Health and Weight Loss

If you Are you seriously interested in losing weight and gaining a brand new and surprising boost in your health and vitality, then this fun maintenance program & guide, will be one of the most important diets you'll ever learn about!

A Fundamental Guide to Using the Mediterranean Diet

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Diets that work

Many people suffering weight problems and are looking for diets that work for them. Probably have they already tried several diets or weight loss programs but without reaching their goal. Therefore, they are flipping from diet program to another diet program, hoping for diets that work for them.

Dieting in reality is a simple mathematic formula; that more one overeats that more weight he will accumulate. Since our body functions like any other energetically household where if no energy is spent by continuous energy intake, the energy will be accumulated what expresses in overweight. That is what happens in our body. In other words if we intake a certain quantity of food (energy) without spending it through movement work or so, we accumulate that what is in surplus.
Read more about Diets that work